Tentative Agenda of Beijing Forum (Academic Forum)
Tentative Agenda of BeijingForum (Academic Forum) Grand Continental Hotel,August 22-26, 2004
Monday August 23
Keynote Address (TBD)
Meeting with a Chinese leader (By Invitation Only)
Opening Ceremony of The Education Forum for Asia-Beijing 2004 (Joint event, Great Hall of the People)
Welcome Dinner (Joint event, Great Hall of the People)
Entertainment Performance
(Joint event, Great Hall of the People)
Tuesday August 24
All Day
Workshop on sub theme:
1 Politics: Diverse Civilizations and Public Policy
2 International Relations: Diverse Civilizations and International Relations
3 History: Remembrance and Loss Among Co-existing Civilizations
4 Archaeology: Discourse Between Ancient Civilizations of East Asia
5 Philosophy: Cultural Exchanges and Sharing Philosophies
6 Sociology: Social Development in Diverse Systems
7 Education: Moving Towards an Internationalized Vision of Education and Human Development
8 Law: Heritage and Assimilation of Legal Traditions
9 Economy: Economic Prosperity through Valuing Culture and Communication
East Asia Cooperation—Integrating Economy with Culture
10 Business Administration: Business Administration to Fit Globalization
11 Chinese Literature and the Arts: Dialogue and Symbiosis of Literature and the Arts
12 Foreign Literature and the Arts: Dialogue and Symbiosis of Literature and the Arts
13 Art: Globalization, Changing Traditions and Innovation in the Arts
14 Information Flow: The IT Industry and the Spread of Modern Civilization