柳 斌 第十届全国人大常委会委员、原国家教育委员会副主任 柳斌,原国家教育委员会副主任,现任中国教育国际交 流协会名誉会长。从上世纪50年代末大学生涯起,他便参加编 写,如中国第一套九年一贯制教材等一系列教育改革活动。到 恢复高考和全面恢复教育工作时期,以及改革开放后一系列教 育改革期间,他主持、参与制定了如《义务教育法》《教师 法》等多部法律,提出了“国民素质教育”的口号。他对教育 的热忱和贡献,使各地教育工作者尊称他为教育界的代言人。 LIU Bin Standing Committee Member of the Tenth CPPCC, Former Vice Director of China National Education Committee Liu Bin is the Former Deputy Director of the State Board of Education, and the Honorary Director of China Education Association for International Exchange. He has joined a championed series of education reform such as the Nine Years Teaching Textbook since 1950s. He has also hosted and enacted laws such as Compulsory Education Law and Teacher Law and put forward the slogan of “National Quality Education” after the Reform and Opening-up. His enthusiasm about education earned him the title “the Spokesman of the Educational World”.
陈爱莲艺术团团长,北京市爱莲舞蹈学校校长,中国歌剧舞剧 院舞蹈家兼编导、教员。第六届至第十届全国政协委员。 陈爱莲是著名舞蹈表演艺术家、教育家。从1957年起, 先后主演了舞剧《红楼梦》《牡丹亭》《繁漪》《霸王别姬》 等,是中国主演舞剧最多的舞蹈家。 曾获第八届世界青年联欢节四枚金质奖章获全国第一届舞 蹈比赛特邀舞蹈家优秀表演奖;文化部一等奖;舞剧《文成公 主》获表演一等奖。 曾创作、编导主演的舞剧《牡丹亭》获广东省艺术节一等 奖。其作品还包括舞蹈《敌后交通员》《绣金匾》《黄昏》《东方曲》《快乐的年轻 人》《彩练当空》等。 CHEN Ailian Head of Chen Ailian Art Troupe; President of Beijing Ailian Dancing School; Terpsichorean, Playwright-Director and Teacher of China Opera; Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People' s Political Consultative Conference Consecutively from the sixth session to the tenth. Chen Ailian is a well-known dance artist and educator. Since 1957, she has acted the leading role in dance drama Dream of the Red Chamber, Peony Pavilion, Fan Yi, and Farewell to My Concubine and has played the leading role in the majority of her dance dramas. She has won four gold medals in the Eighth World Festival of Youth and Students, Outstanding Performance Award of the First National Dance Competition, the first prize of the Ministry of Culture and the dance drama Princess Wencheng won the first prize for outstanding performance. Peony Pavilion which she wrote directed and also played leading role in winning the first prize in the art festival of Guangdong Province. Her works also include Underground Messenger, Embroidering Golden Plague, Dusk, Oriental Song, Happy Young Man, and Colored Ribbons in the Sky and so on.
孔子世家第七十六代传人;孔裔国际教育集团创始人;孔裔国 际公学总校长;孔裔国际新六艺创始人;孔子国际六艺书院总 院长 第一位应邀进入英国皇家白金汉宫接受菲利普亲王接见的 孔子后裔和中国校长; 第一位应邀进入英国上议院会晤的中国嘉宾; 第一位应邀在美国大学理事会年会演讲的中国校长; 第一位应邀在美国纽约时代广场全球新年水晶球倒计时盛 典开幕式上通过全球直播传播孔子文化的孔子后人。 KONG Lingtao The 76th successor of Confucius, Founder of Confucius International Education Group, President of Confucius International School, Creator of Confucius International New Six Skills, President of the Six Skills Academy of Confucius International. The first descendent of Confucius and Chinese principles who was invited to The Royal Buckingham Palace to be greeted by Prince Charles; The first Chinese guest who was invited to attend meetings in the House of Lords; The first Chinese principal who was invited to the board of directors of American Universities; The first descendent of Confucius who was invited to disseminate Confucianism on a global live broadcast in the New Year’s countdown in the Times Square in New York, USA.
国际教育领袖基金会主席,美国前助理教育部长 张曼君博士是国际教育领袖基金会总裁。获得南加州大 学特殊教育系硕士学位和教育学博士学位,以及哈佛大学“女 性新世界的领导”学位。张女士现任南加州大学国际公共政策 和管理客座教授。2006年,美国前总统布什任命张曼君女士为 美国劳工部美西总长。2001年至2005年,张曼君女士任职美国 教育部助理副部长,她是当时美国教育领域职位最高的亚裔官 员。张曼君女士曾因其职业和公民工作而多次获奖。 Marina TSE President of the International Education Leadership Foundation; Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Education Dr. Marina Tse is the President of the International Education Leadership Foundation. Dr. Tse graduated from the University of Southern California with a Doctorate Degree in Education and a Master Degree in Special Education. She also graduated from Harvard University's “Women and Power: Leadership in a New World" program. Dr. Tse is the Adjunct Professor of International Public Policy and Management at the University of Southern California, School of Policy, Planning and Development. In 2006, Dr. Tse was appointed by President Bush and served as the chief of the Western United States Office of the U.S. Department of Labor. From 2001-2005, Dr. Marina Tse was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition and Academic for Limited English Proficiency Students. As such, she was the highest ranking Asian American in the education system in the nation. From 1996 to 1999, Dr. Tse was a member of the California State Board of Education. In addition, Dr. Tse was a member of the California State Rehabilitation Council and served as program chair of the California State Special Education Advisory Commission. Dr. Tse has received numerous awards for her professional and civic work and is listed in Marquis' "Who's Who in America," and "Who's Who in The World."